For Sale

408 West 27th Street, Scottsbluff, Nebraska


Used Car Dealeship

The subject is located in one of the highest traffic count areas and was designed as a used car dealership and has many possibilities. The office a 3,300 SF and includes a shop at the rear of the building. The office area is good quality finish and has several private offices, break area, reception area and conference room plus a shop area at the rear of the building. There are two 2-fixture restrooms. The HVAC is geothermal with an electric forced air furnace and air conditioning for the office area.

Also present is a 4,800 SF unheated warehouse building with 11’ sidewalls and concrete floor. There is a 3,200 SF steel canopy that connects both buildings and approximately 36,800 SF of asphalt paving.


Front Elevation

Front Elevation with Covered Parking

Rear Elevation

Reception/Break Area




Shop Interior

Covered Parking
